
Dream On Screenplay Final

  Dream On By Piers Cooke Kaiser   Int. Hallway.  Night Static long shot, deep depth of field.  The dark narrow hallway of a town house – the interior is saturated in cold blue.  Along the walls of the hallway hang old paintings and photographs.  Bookcases stand either side, full of antique books. On top of one of the bookcases is a large vase; the house is cluttered but in a homely way.  A woman steps into the hallway, looks back down towards the camera, turns the light on so she can see better.   Cut to: Int. Hallway.  Night.  Midshot, the woman’s P.O.V. of a man standing by the front door.  He is in his Mid-40s, has stubble and wears a suit.  He has just arrived home from work and is tired.  He puts his briefcase down on the floor.   The Wife V/O: Where have you been?   Cut to: Int. Hallway.  Night.  Midshot, the husband takes off his j...

Dream On Screenplay Draft

Dream On By Piers Cooke Kaiser   Int. Hallway.  Night Static long shot, deep depth of field.  The dark narrow hallway of a town house – the interior is saturated in cold blue.  Along the walls of the hallway hang old paintings and photographs.  Bookcases stand either side, full of antique books. On top of one of the bookcases is a large vase; the house is cluttered but in a homely way.  A woman steps into the hallway, looks back down towards the camera, turns the light on so she can see better.   Cut to: Int. Hallway.  Night.  Midshot, the woman’s P.O.V. of a man standing by the front door.  He is in his Mid-40s, has stubble and wears a suit.  He has just arrived home from work and is tired.  He puts his briefcase down on the floor.   The Wife V/O: Where have you been?   Cut to: Int. Hallway.  Night.  Midshot, the husband takes off his jacket a...


Dream On   Treatment , By Piers Cooke Kaiser   Dream On is a dramatic short film, with surreal overtones, depicting the breakdown of a typical middle-class marriage.  The film explores themes of desire, rage, alienation, and loss. The husband returns home one night after work to find his wife waiting for him in the hallway of their suburban home.  Their home reflects character over affluence.   The large television is not a recent model, the walls are painted yellow, the rooms contain antique bookcases, a large oak dining table, vases, stacks of books, a fading mirror.  The décor of the home suggests a hand-me-down heritage; things fading but cared-for.  The couple are in their early forties and have never had children: they have enjoyed life, travel, theatre, socialising, rather than raise a family.   The wife is slim, dark-haired and well presented.  She wears a grey cashmere cardigan, dark jeans and ...